The key to getting bank loans and lines of credit from the bank is to have strong credit history. This guide will show you how to build the perfect credit report in just a few simple steps.
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In simple terms, business credit is credit in your business’ name and linked to its EIN and not the business owner(s) social security number(s). You can use your business credit to obtain funding from banks that you can then use to grow your business.
This guide will show you how to do this
Are you being denied credit because of negative items on your credit report? Learn how to challenge these items to remove them from your report.
Stay organized while you crush your credit journey
How do we build a credit report after we remove negative accounts? We have to start adding positive accounts. We can obtain positive accounts from auto loans, bank credit, and other tools to help us develop a positive credit profile. You want the proper mix of funding sources to give you proper data points. You need 10 positive accounts to build your credit report.